How Alabama Compares

Population & Health

  1. Population
  2. % Change in Population
  3. Individual Income Per Capita
  4. Annual Unemployment Rate
  5. % of Population Living in Poverty
  6. % of Population with Health Insurance
  7. Infant Mortality Rate
  8. % of Adults w/ Obesity


  1. State & Local Per Pupil Funding
  2. K-12 Teacher Salary
  3. % K-12 Enrollment Per Capita
  4. % 25+ w/ at least a High School Education
  5. Higher Education Appropriations per Student
  6. Avg Annual In-State Tuition
  7. % Change in In-State Tuition

Government Spending & Debt

  1. Per Capita Federal Grants
  2. Per Capita Federal Expenditures
  3. Per Capita State Expenditures
  4. % Change in State Expenditures
  5. Per Capita General Fund Expenditures
  6. Per Capita State & Local Debt
  7. Per Capita Bond Expenditures
  8. State Employees per 100 people


  1. Total GDP
  2. Agriculture
  3. Arts & Entertainment
  4. Construction
  5. Educational Services
  6. Finance & Insurance
  7. Government
  8. Information
  9. Manufacturing
  10. Mining
  11. Business Services
  12. Retail Trade
  13. Transportation
  14. Utilities
  15. Wholesale Trade

Public Assistance

  1. State Medicaid Expenditures
  2. % of State Exp. on Public Assistance
  3. State Expenditures on Public Safety
  4. State and Local Exp. on Highways
  5. State Gas Tax Rate
  6. State Diesel Tax Rate